3. Training and knowledge transfer.

+ Production Geology

Fundamentals of Production Geology.

ABOUT THE COURSE:OThe objective of the course is to transmit the basic concepts of Geology used in the oil industry to personnel whose original formation does not include Geology. It begins with a summary of the theories that, on a mega scale, have tried to explain the Earth origin and formation, and the processes that influence the formation of reservoirs. Then we proceed to define and detail those branches of Geology that govern the generation and characteristics of the reservoirs: the structural component and its influence on traps, definition of the different structural processes and their results, types of traps, etc.; sedimentology and stratigraphy in the reservoir geometry, genesis of the rocks and the minerals that compose it, importance of elements such as clay distribution, pore geometry, destructive and constructive effects of the diagenesis on the reservoirs, etc. Petrophysics to define the properties of the rock and its flow and storage capacity, definition of porosity, permeability and fluid saturations; the geochemistry to show the reservoirs fluid migration and the laws that regulate this process such as flotation pressure, hydrocarbon composition, etc. Finally, the integration of all of them to define the reservoir; tops, thicknesses, rock quality, fluid contacts to conclude with a model and applications from the economic point of view: reserves, development plan, definition of opportunities.

The course has a high component of graphic examples that illustrate the topics and help the transmission of knowledge.

DURATION: Five days (40 hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Petroleum Engineers, Petrophysicists, Log Analysts, Drilling Engineers, Geophysicists.

CONTENT: Definition of Geology. Basic concepts of geology. Definition and Basic Concepts of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Definition and Basic Concepts of Petrophysics. Definition and Basic Concepts of Geochemistry.

+Acquisition, Handling, and Core Analysis applications.

Best Practices for the Acquisition, Handling and Core Analysis oriented to the optimization of the Petrophysical Characterization.

ABOUT THE COURSE: Laboratory procedures are described in a simple way, although the main objective of the Workshop is to emphasize the direct applications of petrophysical properties that are obtained from core analysis, cuttings and sidewall samples in characterization studies. To do this, a series of practical exercises are developed that can be carried out both individually and in groups.

This training allows the participant to adapt the core acquisition and analysis programs to their requirements, obtaining greater value for the time and money invested.

It also shows the importance of information integration and knowledge, in the use of data specially obtained to achieve the objectives of the integrated study. The development of this workshop covers both the analysis procedures of already acquired cores and new or cores to be acquired. Participants can learn to generate an acquisition program in the most convenient way to their interests (amount of core to be cut, diameter, bits, muds, sleeves) so that they are able to follow up on conventional, geological and special analyzes with the purpose of guaranteeing its integration with other disciplines.

DURATION: Four days (32 hours).

DESIGNED FOR: Professionals of the Petroleum Industry in the areas of Production Geology, Operations Geology, Reservoir Engineering, Petrophysicists, Log Analysts, Sedimentology, Drilling Engineers, Geophysics applied to the development of mature fields.

CONTENT: Development of programs for acquisition, handling and core analysis, cuttings and / or sidewall samples. Detailed description of laboratory tests, measurements, number of plugs to be taken, their dimensions, relative importance of the data obtained, tests in full-diameter cores, composite plugs. For both consolidated and non-consolidated cores. Conventional core analysis; Measurements and applications. (Lithology, porosity, permeability, grain density and water saturation. Geological analysis of cores; methods for obtaining them and applications. (Mineralogy, thin sections, SEM, cryogenic SEM, description of sedimentary environments). Special Core analysis; methods of laboratory, application in petrophysical characterization (Capillary Pressure, Relative permeability, wettability, electrical properties, sensitivity to injection fluids, nuclear magnetic resonance, geochemical analysis, TOC, geo-mechanical analysis). Multidisciplinary integration.

+Well Logs Analysis Applications

Applications of Well Log Analysis in Petrophysical Characterization.

ABOUT THE COURSE: It provides the professional of the oil industry with the basic concepts and applications of conventional open hole logs for determination of parameters and petrophysical properties necessary for reservoir characterization. The course is designed in a way that the participant applies the knowledge acquired through practical exercises, which emphasize the determination of petrophysical properties and parameters from resistivity, porosity, gamma ray, and SP logs. Among the most prominent topics are the concepts related to the logging environment, the invasion process, log quality control, evaluation of clean formations (Archie equation, quick look interpretation methods) and evaluation of clay formations (effect of clays). Each concept is illustrated and evaluated with practical exercises. A brief introduction to the interpretation of special and unconventional logs such as cased hole logs (cement, TDT – carbon oxygen , CCL and GR-Neutron) is made, dip and image logs, and nuclear magnetic resonance logs.

DURATION: Five days (40 hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Log Analysts, Petrophysicists, Geologists, Geophysicists and Petroleum Engineers involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: Definition of Petrophysics. Basic Petrophysic Concepts. Resistivity. Porosity. Water saturation, The Logging Environment. The Invasion Process, Rw calculation. Logs Quality Control: Operational Control, Environmental Corrections and Normalization. The Spontaneous Potential log. The Gamma Ray log. The Caliper log. Resistivity logs: Induction, Laterolog, Focused Microspherical log, Microlog. Porosity logs: Density, Neutron, Sonic, NMR. Evaluation of Clean Formations. The Archie Equation. Quick look Interpretation Methods. Effect of Clays. Evaluation of Clay Formations, Practical exercise of Sw evaluation using the Waxman-Smits equation. Basic principles and concepts for the interpretation of special and unconventional logs such as cased hole logs (cement, TDT – carbon oxygen, CCL and GR-Neutron), dip and image logs and nuclear magnetic resonance logs. Each concept will be illustrated and evaluated with practical exercises.

According to the client’s need, this course could have variations giving more weight to the interpretation of unconventional and special logs.

+Petrofacies Determination.

Petrofacies Determination and their Application in Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization

ABOUT THE COURSE: Provides the professionals of the oil industry with the concepts, tools and applications of petrophysical characterization using the Petrofacies methodology or Rock Typing , in order to establish the pore geometry of the reservoir porous system. The training is designed so that the participant applies the theoretical knowledge acquired by performing practical exercises. The workshop begins with an overview of the nature of the reservoirs from the point of view of their porous system and the possible causes that control their interconnection (texture, grain size, diagenesis, type and distribution of clays, among others). Fundamentally it is based on the determination of Petrofacies or Rock Types for the definition of flow units and their application in Reservoir Characterization from the analysis of mercury injection capillary pressure curves, and incorporates the analysis of the complex variations in pore geometry and the pore throats that control the initial and residual distribution of fluids and their flow through the reservoir. The course emphasizes the importance of the relationship between porosity, permeability, irreducible water saturation and pore throat radius, and its impact on the storage and flow capacity of the formation. Other topics included are the application in carbonatic reservoirs, the relationship between capillary pressure and relative permeability, water saturation models depending on rock types and height above the free water level, Sw models using J function, estimation of fluid contacts and determination-interpretation of flow units using Lorentz and Miller plots. The training ends with a look at the best practices for the selection of samples, by rock types, to perform special core analysis.

DURATION: Five days (40 hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Petrophysicists, Geologists, Petroleum Engineers and other professionals involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: Definition of Petrophysics. Basic Concepts of Petrophysics, Capillary Pressure. Relative Permeability, Petrofacies concept (Rock Types). Permeability / Porosity Ratio (K / Phi). Effect of Diagenesis in K / Phi ratio. Pore Throat Radius. Concept of capillary pressure. Applications of capillary pressure in reservoir characterization. Winland’s equation. Pittmann’s equations. Classification of Petrofacies and application in carbonatic reservoirs, Water Saturation Analysis and its Application in Definition of Petrofacies. Flotation Pressure, Water saturation from J function. Petrophysical Evaluation by Rock Types. Flow Units. Lorenz plots. Stratigraphic Storage and Flow Diagram. Case Studies. Correlation with Production Logs. Application of Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability in the Determination of Water-Oil Contact. Best Practices for Selection of Special Core Analysis by Rock Type. Each concept will be illustrated and evaluated with practical exercises.

+Old logs Interpretation and Applications.

Interpretation and Application of Old Logs in Reservoir Characterization.

ABOUT THE COURSE: This course is prepared to go hand in hand with the participant; studying, interpreting and applying the knowledge acquired through practical exercises, in which the opportunities for “rejuvenation” of old logs are emphasized, both through empirical and mathematical relationships, using known equations and alternative experiences of modeling devices and artificial intelligence. All this to determine in an optimal way the petrophysical properties and parameters from the old logs.

DURATION: Three days (24 Hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Log Analysts, Petrophysicists, Geologists, Geophysicists and Petroleum Engineers involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: Basic Petrophysics Concepts. Resistivity. Porosity. Water saturation Logging Environment. The Invasion Process, Rw calculation. Logs Quality Control: Operational Control, Normalization. Spontaneous Potential log. Gamma Ray log. Resistivity logs: Induction, Laterolog, Microlog. Porosity logs: Density.

+Core to Log Integration

Core to Log Integration and its importance in Reservoir Modeling.

ABOUT THE COURSE: This course has as main objective to determine the existing relationships between the most important petrophysical properties obtained from cores and those estimated from logs, with the purpose of performing the scaling that allows, in addition to making in-depth calibrations, to obtain the optimal correlation coefficients to extrapolate the models defined in the core to the rest of the reservoir, using logs as the most appropriate means of propagation. Among these properties are lithofacies, quantity and type of clay, porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, grain density, among others.

DURATION: Three days (24 Hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Log Analysts, Petrophysicists, Geologists, Geophysicists and Petroleum Engineers involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: Permeability / Porosity Ratio (K / Phi) both at laboratory conditions and at overburden pressure, depth-shift calibrations, obtain the optimum correlation coefficients to extrapolate the models defined in cores to the rest of the reservoir, using the logs as the most suitable means of propagation for this purpose. Among these properties are lithofacies, quantity and type of clay, porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, grain density and other properties

+Application of Specialized Software for Petrophysical Characterization - Basic and Intermediate

Application of Specialized Software for Petrophysical Characterization. (Interactive Petrophysics – IPTM)

ABOUT THE COURSE: This course is designed to prepare the participant in the optimal management of the Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software by applying a logical and optimized workflow for the formation evaluation process.

The methodology is applied using a set of pre-established data, with special emphasis on practical exercises and tasks performed by the participants in order to improve knowledge transfer. It begins with the creation of a project and the management of its database; creation, loading and handling of well data; adequacy of the curves (splice, depth shifts, shale baseline adjustment, filling of curves with missing data, environmental corrections and curve normalization, etc.). The different tools of IP that help to determine the input data and parameters suitable for the wells zoning for the evaluation are shown, among others, temperature gradient, equation editor, histograms and crossplots, Rw from SP, TVD calculations. The different processes to generate Clay, Porosity and Saturation models are used, using the Clay Volume and PHI & Sw modules, to subsequently estimate NET RESERVOIR and NET PAY and perform a sensitivity analysis of the cutoffs used. The course goes through Multiwell options, such as parameter distribution and 3D petrophysics. Finally, emphasis is placed on the backup of the project and the different parameters that have been defined, as well as the data /curve export in different formats and the graphing of images / logs.

DURATION: Five days (40 hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Log Analysts, Petrophysicists, Geologists, Geophysicists and Petroleum Engineers involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: What is Interactive Petrophysics? Project creation and data loading in IP, Quality Control and Data Editing, Data Visualization, Pre-interpretation Calculations (Temperature, TVD, SP Rw, Rwa, Environmental Corrections, Normalization, etc.). Clay, Porosity and, Water Saturation Models, Estimation of Reservoir/Pay Thicknesses, Sensitivity of Cuttoff Parameters, Multiwell Options. (Distribution of Evaluation Parameters, 3D Petrophysics).

+Application of Specialized Software for Petrophysical Characterization - Advanced

resonancia magnetica

Application of Specialized Software for Petrophysical Characterization. (Interactive Petrophysics – IPTM)

ABOUT THE COURSE: This course is designed to prepare the participant in the optimal management of the advanced modules of Interactive Petrophysics (IPTM) software by applying optimal workflows and enhance the formation evaluation process.

The developed methodology consists of a theoretical part based on the fundamentals of the workflow to be used and a practical part with pre-established data sets using the different advanced modules. This training can be set up according to the needs and time of the client, choosing the advanced modules of your interest.

• Multimineral Model – Deterministic Mineralogical Interpretation.
• Mineral Solver – Probabilistic Mineralogical Interpretation.
• Interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs.
• Monte Carlo Uncertainty Analysis.
• Statistical Curve Prediction.
• Multiple Linear Regressions.
• Fuzzy Logic
• Neural Networks
• Principal component analysis.
• Cluster Analysis.
• Rock Physics – Pore Pressure Calculation.
• Water Saturation Modeling Based on Height (Capillary Pressure)
• Image Logs Analysis.
• Interpretation of Unconventional Reservoirs (Shale Gas).
• TOC estimation – Clay Volume – Phi & Sw.

DURATION: Five days (40 hours)

DESIGNED FOR: Log Analysts, Petrophysicists, Geologists, Geophysicists and Petroleum Engineers involved in integrated reservoir studies.

CONTENT: For more information regarding the content of each of the modules, please contact us, we can provide with guidance to efficiently select and combine the modules to ensure that the objectives of the course are accomplished.

+Organization, QC and consolidation of Databases for Geological and Reservoir Studies.

ABOUT THE COURSE: Prepare the participants in fundamental aspects for the generation of a geological database that meets the requirements of quality, completeness and reliability. The differences between work databases and central or corporate databases will be presented, as well as some administrative aspects applicable to all types of databases such as responsibilities, information flows, privileges; and the importance of proper structuring of the Unique Well Identifier. The different types of data that should be stored in a database will be analyzed and characterized. These are grouped into three large families: Rock samples, Drilling logs, Well logs and Projects.

Finally, best practices to transform analog data from logs to digital data are presented, maximizing the quality of the results and optimizing the use of resources. The course has practical exercises and tasks that participants must perform in order to consolidate the transfer of knowledge.

DURATION: 24 hours, it is considered that 20% of the course consists of practical applications and exercises.

DESIGNED FOR: Geologists, Petrophysicists, Log Analysts and other technicians and professionals involved in reservoir characterization, log evaluation and databases of geological data.

CONTENT: Database Fundamentals: Database and Management System. Data in organizations: quality and basic dimensions of the data. Database oriented to Exploration and Production Companies. Formats of digital data in E&P, Importance of UWI. Database Oriented to Petrophysical Projects: Principles to generate a database for petrophysical projects, Basic Principles of Inventory (Analysis, characterization and diagnosis of the different types of data that should be stored in a database, such as Rock Samples, Well Logs, drilling and production reports). Integral process of logs certification (Inventory, diagrams, layout, vectorization, quality control, basic edition, reports). Rejuvenation for well database.

+Formation Evaluation Program, P.E.F


Inter-Rock presents a Modular Training Plan in Formation Evaluation with an overall schedule of 5 – 6 months. This program has 2 modalities:

    1. Knowledge Transfer for Geosciences and Reservoir Professionals in Formation Evaluation.
      1. Alternating the place of the project development between our facilities and the client’s facilities.
      2. Fully developed at the client’s facilities.Generation of Integrated Petrophysical Models (Pilot Projects) for selected specific areas.

The main objective is to contribute to the requirements of the respective Business Units, generating a 100% applicable model; in which a group of professionals: a) will acquire skills in how to efficiently validate and build high-certainty databases and b) learn an integrated methodology to generate Petrophysical models.







+Pilot Project for Reservoir Studies, ProPER


Modular Training Plan on Geological Reservoir Characterization with an overall schedule  of 5 to 6 months. This program has 2 modalities:

  1. Alternating the place of the project development between our facilities and the client’s facilities.
  2. Fully developed at the client’s facilities.

The Pilot Project Program for Reservoir Studies (ProPER) includes:



  1. Knowledge transfer for Geosciences and Reservoir Professionals in Reservoir Characterization & reservoir Modeling.
  2. Generation of Geological and Reservoir Models (Pilot Projects) for selected business units.
  • QC and DB generation for Integrated Reservoir projects.
  • Sedimentological Model
  • Stratigraphical Model
  • Structural Model
  • Basic Reservoir Engineering
  • Petrophysical Model
  • Geostatistics Fundamentals
  • Integrated Reservoir Model
  • Hydrocarbon in Place
  • Development Plan

The main objective is to generate a model 100% applicable to the respective business units; in which a group of professionals: a) will acquire skills in how to efficiently validate and build high-certainty databases and b) learn to apply an integrated workflow in the Geological Reservoir Modeling.